Let us introduce you to:
We Guarantee His Charming Accent Along With His Unique Blend Of Top-Notch Magic, Mentalism, Clean Comedy, Pick Pocketing, High Energy, And Lots Of Audience Participation Will Make Your Next Event Fun, Amazing and Memorable!

We have different entertainment options for you!
This is a professional show that will turn your event into a Las Vegas Show! You’ll see Matias perform his world-class illusions with his talented partenaire including a magical appearance, the ring illusion, levitations, clairvoyance act, and Houdini's famous Metamorphosis.
Matias will keep your guests engaged and entertained with their clean comedy and interactive magic. And they will include your event's name or products in some customized tricks specially created for your event. Plus, Matias will pick-pocket some of your guest’s watches, cellphones and more. In addition, 4 of your guests will float in mid-air during a trick that will have the whole audience laughing hysterically. And we guarantee everybody will talk about Alexandria's levitation and the mind reading demonstrations for years to come!
This is a one-man show (no assistant) that doesn't need a proper stage, and it can be accommodated to fit small and large venues. The show includes some great illusions such as the floating table and wine multiplication, and lots of audience interactions. Matias also performs tricks specially created for the event by using your event or company's name, logo, specific product name or a special insight/slogan you might want him to use.
Length 30, 45 and, 60 mins. Show includes music.
This is a mentalist show that is better for intimate dinners or small events, and it can be adjusted to fit small and large venues. The show includes a series of card tricks and mind reading demonstrations the way it used to be performed at the end of the 19th century, where a prestidigitator would be invited to entertain the guests with elegant and classic sleights of hands along with mind reading and psychic demonstrations. Matias will also perform tricks specially created for the event by using the name of the guest of honor or your company. All of this, along with the finest mentalism and smoothest pickpocketing, will leave everybody laughing and amazed.
3. MENTALIST SHOW email us for pricing
<div class="divi-youtube" style="text-align:center;"><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slhWhp_a_sA" title="Parlour Show"><span class="et_pb_image_wrap "><img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/email-spike/17476/RG37x1JglIBMCZan25fqukNKOGBuWXLnki345D0Lj1YpqYR6OB.gif?lastmod=1538788539111" alt="Parlour Show" title="Parlour Show" width="100%"/></span></a></div>
This is where Matias mixes and mingles with the guests performing short five to ten minute sets that include top-notch magic, clean comedy, mentalism, mind readings and pick pocketing. Everybody will be involved with the magic happening right in front of their eyes and in their own hands. Just imagine the guests’ faces when Matias performs astonishing card tricks, reads their minds, unlocks their iPhones, pulls items from his iPad, turns five $1 bills into $500, and all while pickpocketing their watches, wallets, glasses, and more!
Magic&Wine is an attempt to bring the wine and magic closer to the audience in which they will actively participate. Some of Matias’ tricks include his awarded floating table, money tricks, wine bottles multiplication, giving out the name of the wine someone is thinking off and many more surprises as in the video below.
We have Three Workshops to help you improve your company’s performance:
It’s All About Teamwork
Matias will keep your team engaged and entertained with his program “It’s All About Teamwork”. Through the clever use of mind-blowing illusions, Matias talks about the 4 pillars of team building, the importance of having each other’s back and how to trust in one another. Not only your team will enjoy a phenomenal performance, they’ll also leave learning the main points in an effective teamwork that includes but are not limited to Trust, Respect, Communication, Transparency, and Accountability, and how to apply this to their own work in order to achieve greater results as a team.
I.M.A.G.E (Impact, Message, Attitude, Goal, and Execute)
In this workshop Matias talks about the importance of having the right image in order to succeed:
- IMPACT (Impact, Where you are, Where do you want to go, How we get there)
- MESSAGE (What is a good message, Elements in a message, CCC {clarity, courage, confidence}, Five factors that makes for a G.R.E.A.T. presentation quick look)
- ATTITUDE (How you deliver the message)
- GOAL (Accomplishing the Goal, Call to Action, Burning desire, Plan setting/organizer)
- EXECUTE (Your’s perspective –> the plan, following steps, check list, Client’s perspective –> call to action, what is it what you want them to do after your presentation”)
What is a G.R.E.A.T. Presentation?
In this workshop Matias talks about the 5 pillars of a great communicator/speaker which are:
- GRAB your audience attention
- REHEARSE your Presentation
- ENTERTAIN your audience
- ADAPT your presentation to any setting
- TOUCH your audience (emotionally)
Let us help you make your upcoming event at LIMANI fun, exciting, and memorable with a performance that will have everybody buzzing about it while you get the credits for it!
Contact: Branka Orlic
Address: Limani
5 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10020
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 212-858-9200
If these companies can trust
New York Illusionist & Mentalist Matias Letelier
to make their events amazing, so can you!