We have Four Workshops to help you improve your company’s performance

1. It’s All About Teamwork

Matias will keep your team engaged and entertained with his program “It’s All About Teamwork”. Through the clever use of mind-blowing illusions, Matias talks about the 4 pillars of team building, the importance of having each other’s back and how to trust in one another. Not only your team will enjoy a phenomenal performance, they’ll also leave learning the main points in an effective teamwork that includes but are not limited to Trust, Respect, Communication, Transparency, and Accountability, and how to apply this to their own work in order to achieve greater results as a team.

Duration: 1.5-3 hrs.
Requirements: Screen with HDMI connection

What to expect from this experience

The program uses the order of Communication, Openness, and Teamwork

  • All 3 segments will take about 25-minutes to 30-minutes including Fun with magic, team building exercises, concepts, and conversations.

Every section will have magic and a team building interactive exercise with

  • Giving participants key concepts and understanding of the topics and
  • time to share personal and professional experiences that build trust and teamwork
  • Besides the tools and tricks used for the Magic – Interactive experiences throughout the day will also involve cards, LEGOS, Fun Facts Exercises as tools for conversation starters and ways to mix the participants.

Concepts covered in the three sections:


Communication will cover:

  • Sender – Receiver – Messenger concepts
  • Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication

Openness will cover:

  • Trust, Respect, Commitment, and Accountability
  • This will lead to ==> Teamwork

Teamwork will cover:

  • Letting go of EGO and Acting, Being and Thinking in “WE”
  • Using the “WE” idea (of “We Can Do This Together”)
    to look at Biggest Challenge and Hope for the Year
  • 30-day Challenge to build team through their interactions

2. I.M.A.G.E (Impact, Message, Attitude, Goal, and Execute)

In this workshop Matias talks about the importance of having the right image in order to succeed:

  • IMPACT (Impact, Where you are, Where do you want to go, How we get there)
  • MESSAGE (What is a good message, Elements in a message, CCC {clarity, courage, confidence}, Five factors that makes for a G.R.E.A.T. presentation quick look)
  • ATTITUDE (How you deliver the message)
  • GOAL (Accomplishing the Goal, Call to Action, Burning desire, Plan setting/organizer)
  • EXECUTE (Your’s perspective –> the plan, following steps, check list, Client’s perspective –> call to action, what is it what you want them to do after your presentation”)

Duration: 1.5-2 hrs.
Requirements: Screen with HDMI connection

3. What is a G.R.E.A.T. Presentation?

In this workshop Matias talks about the 5 pillars of a great communicator/speaker which are:

  • GRAB your audience attention
  • REHEARSE your Presentation
  • ENTERTAIN your audience
  • ADAPT your presentation to any setting
  • TOUCH your audience (emotionally)

Duration: 1.5-2 hrs.
Requirements: Screen with HDMI connection

4. Time Management

Imagine being able to manage your time and achieve EVERYTHING you want. Illusionist Matias will share a combination of techniques that has helped him achieve what others thought impossible:
  • Time management when working on a new project
  • Did you know your body is a machine?
  • The 5 centers of the human machine
  • Finding the balance (theory of the table)
  • The Pomodoro method
  • Pomodoro + 5 centers
  • Useful tools (mind movies, pomofocus, etc)

Duration: 1hr.
Requirements: Screen with HDMI connection

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